Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Star wars takeover in January 2017?

Hi penguins  I was doing some research on how many takeovers we will in 2017 and I found out that star wars episode 8 comes out in December like in. 2015 so if you remember in January 2015 we had a star wars rebels takeover  to celebrate the force awakens movie that came out in December 2015  it's possible that the First takeover will be a STAR wars force awakens takeover  but it is just a theory so let me know what you think about my theory frendly on~Frendlykid

Saturday, July 16, 2016

#NomoreFrozenparties @thelifeofapig

Hi penguins club penguin has had a frozen party in 2014 and 2015 and another one in August 2016 thanks to club penguin likeing tweets it  is confirmed and I have a plan on August first let's  log onto the megg Monday and complain

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Operation pirate ship

Hi guys I have a party idea for a club penguin party here it goes on February 2 we see a pirate ship that's not rockhopper's February 9 it gets closer Feb 16 we find out it's rockhopper's dad he  came here to see if rockhopper was here but he wasn't instead Herbert took his power source a puffle stone more powerful than the info power source we have to save the ship the task Release will go in this order Feb 16,Feb17 ,Feb 19,Feb 20 ,Feb 22,Feb26 you might be wondering where the main part of the party is it's at the cove    forest will have a pool the puffle hotel will turn into a pirate theme hotel the snow forts will Will have a silly hat day mini party  the plaza,town,pizza parlor ,mall,ski hill and skill village will have Herbert wanted posters the dock will be a EPF training place lighthouse will be hospital there you go but the ship can't go on the ocean club penguin will have New citisens The island will turn back to normal By Feb 4  what do you think of my party idea also Riyatacp came up with the Herbert wanted posters go check out his  website clubpenguinspace.com. Sincerely,~frendlykid